Treating Gingival Hyperplasia Before Getting Dental Implants

8 December 2017
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Dental implants enhance a person's appearance, and in many cases, help correct problems with chewing. While most people have no contraindications for dental implant surgery, those with a condition known as gingival hyperplasia may not be suitable candidates until the condition has been treated. Gingival hyperplasia is a disorder that causes gum overgrowth and needs to be managed before you consider cosmetic dental services such as getting dental implants. 


Symptoms of gum overgrowth include inflammation, redness, and bleeding of the gums, and in some cases, pain. The overgrowth of gum tissue can be so severe that the gums grow over and in-between the teeth.

When this happens, you may be at a heightened risk for developing periodontitis, a severe form of gum disease, that if not treated promptly, can lead to the destruction of the bones that support your teeth, and tooth loss. Other symptoms of gum overgrowth with subsequent infection may include fever, chills, headache, purulent drainage from the gums, and body aches. 


Gum overgrowth is often caused by medications, and most commonly, anti-seizure medications. While this condition is typically seen in those taking high doses of anti-seizure medications, it can also occur in people who take low doses. Patients who take large doses should talk with their physicians about a dose reduction to see if this will help bring the gum tissue back to its normal state. 

Once the drug dosage has been lowered, overgrown gums often regress. Gingival hyperplasia can also be caused by certain blood disorders, however, after the disorder has been effectively treated, the gums often heal. 


People with gingival hyperplasia are at risk of developing infections because it can be difficult to brush and floss underneath overgrown gum tissue. Because of this, plaque and tartar can build up, and if not professionally removed, can lead to tissue destruction and bone loss.

When gum overgrowth is recognized and treated in its early stages, soft tissue destruction and loss of bone can be avoided. After your gums have been treated and healed, you will be in a better state of oral health to begin treatment for dental implant surgery or any other elective cosmetic dental procedure. 


Depending upon the extent of your overgrown gums, your dentist may recommend that you take oral antibiotics to clear up any infection that may be developing under your gum line. Your dentist will not perform cosmetic procedures when you have an active oral infection. It is important that you complete your entire course of antibiotics to ensure that the infection has been effectively cleared. 

It is also important that you maintain a meticulous schedule of brushing and flossing your teeth. This will help your gums regress and eliminate infection-causing bacteria. Using a water flosser or sonic toothbrush can help augment the effects of brushing and flossing. However, they should not be replacements.

If conservative treatment methods are not effective in correcting overgrown gum tissue, a referral to a periodontist, a dentist specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of gum disease, may be recommended.

Surgical intervention is sometimes needed to manage gingival hyperplasia to ensure a complete recovery. One the condition has been treated, the patient will be better able to tolerate the dental implant regimen and enjoy an uneventful recovery period. 

If you develop gingival hyperplasia or any other condition of your gums or teeth, speak with your dentist prior to undergoing your procedure. When oral conditions are diagnosed and treated promptly, you are less likely to develop complications such as infection or abnormal bleeding after your implant surgery. Contact a dental office like Holly Springs Dental Care for more information and assistance. 
