4 Facts Regarding Dental Implant Oral Surgery

24 April 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Losing a tooth can be embarrassing and stressful for anyone, but there are many ways to replace missing teeth, including dental implants. If you have one or more missing teeth, you should consider dental implants, but before you make your final decision, check out these four facts regarding dental implant oral surgery.  

You Should Have Good Oral Health

There are many reasons you may lose teeth, but the biggest reason is poor oral health. Unfortunately, before you get that dental implant, you need to start practicing good oral hygiene habits. This is especially important if you suffer from gum disease. Getting an implant when you have uncontrolled gum disease increases the risk of failure. It's also likely for the gums around the implant to become infected. If you have gum disease, work with your dentist to reverse the condition or treat the symptoms.

You May Need Additional Procedures

In some cases, you need additional procedures, and this is quite common in patients with severe gum disease. Gum disease can cause gum recession and bone recession (in the jaw). Even having a missing tooth for too long can cause the jawbone to shrink. An implant needs healthy, strong gum tissue and bone tissue, so you may need a bone graft or gum graft before you can even get the implant.

There Are Options for Everyone

Dental implants are great if you are missing one tooth or all your teeth because there are different types. A single dental implant uses one titanium implant and one crown to replace one tooth. However, to save money, implant-supported bridges are usually used to replace multiple teeth. They use fewer implants than missing teeth, and the implants support the bridge like natural teeth support a traditional dental bridge. If you are missing all your teeth, implant-supported dentures are an option.

It's the Most Durable Choice

Dental implants are the most durable option because they are the only option that uses your jawbone to support the tooth/teeth. The implant sits in the jawbone like a real tooth root. What makes it even more durable, however, is that bone fuses to the titanium implant, holding it in place despite pressure and wear and tear.

Dental implants may not be the best choice for every patient, but they are the most durable way to replace missing teeth, and they don't damage existing healthy teeth. If you would like more information regarding dental implants, contact a cosmetic dentist in your area today.
